Youth Fest grants
- Status:
- Closed
- Who can apply:
- Not-for-profit groups, government schools, government
- Funding:
- $1 - $2,000
Youth Fest is back for 2025.
The Victorian Government is investing and championing young people across our state by funding events designed and delivered by them.
Organisations can apply for grants up to $2,000 to help host events across Victoria.
Successful organisations will be able to demonstrate the ability to reach and engage young people from all a wide variety of backgrounds in the planning and delivery of events.
This funding will help to amplify the voices of young people, giving them the chance to lead, create and get involved in their communities.
Victorian Youth Fest events should:
- be inclusive and accessible to all young people
- support those who face barriers to community participation
- offer, where possible, mixed modes of delivery (for example, online and in person).
Applications are now closed.
Local government, community organisations and schools in Victoria may apply if:
- the applicant is a legal entity. This includes a not-for-profit incorporated body, co-operative or association
- the applicant has a current Australian Business Number (ABN) or provides written advice from the Australian Tax Office that withholding tax is not required from the grant payment
- the applicant has no outstanding reports from previous or current grants funded via the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
- Victorian Youth Fest 2025 activities are delivered within Victoria in the month of September 2025
- they partner with young people to design and deliver the proposed activities.
Commercial organisations or bodies formed for profit-making purposes are not eligible to receive a Victorian Youth Fest 2025 grant.
Organisations that do not meet these criteria are not eligible to apply for funding. But they might consider partnering with an eligible organisation under an auspice arrangement. Read the grant guidelines for more details:
Victorian Youth Fest 2025 Grant Guidelines(opens in a new window)Word 340.58 KBThe department assesses applications against the requirements in the following 4 criteria. Each section is rated using a percentage amount.
Applicants must use the criteria to show how their proposed project will meet the objectives of Victorian Youth Fest 2025.
Project overview
The project overview is rated at 15 per cent. Applicants must:
- provide an overview of the project, including its:
- objectives
- intended outcomes
- what you will do
- describe the local needs for the project in the community
- provide evidence of the need for the project based on:
- data
- research
- consultation with young people.
Project delivery
The project delivery is rated at 30 per cent. Applicants must describe how you will:
- support young people’s participation in planning and delivering the project
- showcase young people’s:
- talents
- achievements
- contributions to the community
- plan for an accessible event.
Youth participation in the project
Youth participation in the project is rated at 45 per cent. Applicants must:
- list the roles and activities that young people will take on to deliver the project
- identify how the project will actively engage and encourage involving a diverse range of young people, including those who:
- live in regional and rural Victoria
- are newly arrived, refugees and asylum seekers
- are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders
- are culturally diverse
- have a disability
- identify as LGBTIQA+
- face social isolation or disadvantage.
Applications from groups based in regional and rural Victoria are strongly encouraged and will be prioritised.
Project partners
The project partners section is rated at 10 per cent. Applicants must:
- list key partners that will support this project, including:
- schools
- community organisations
- councils
- businesses
describe the role that each partner will play.
- provide an overview of the project, including its:
Victorian Youth Fest 2025 funds youth-led activities, events and projects that focus on issues of interest to young people. Eligible organisations can apply for grants of up to $2,000.
Examples of previously funded projects include:
- arts-focused:
- events
- photography exhibitions
- mural creations
- film competitions
- cultural days and community festivals with:
- live bands
- stalls
- activities
- sporting events, such as:
- soccer tournaments
- competitions, including:
- skate
- basketball
- workshops and forums that focus on issues that concern young people, including:
- body image
- diversity and inclusion
- mental health
- cultural respect
- the environment.
For a full list of Victorian Youth Week activities funded in 2024, visit the Victorian Government’s Youth Fest grants[1] website.
From 1 January 2025, organisations that are not registered for GST can use grant funds to cover the cost of GST from goods and services purchased with DFFH grant funds. More information, including what this means for your grant application, is available on the Grants Gateway.
- arts-focused:
Victorian Youth Fest 2025 grants will not fund:
- projects that are not youth-focused or youth-led
- organisations that have failed to complete any previous projects funded by the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, without sufficient cause
- activities that are the primary focus of other Victorian Government programs
- projects that are already fully funded
- funding for projects that have already started or been completed, including:
- any activity undertaken before notification of an application outcome
- significant funding for equipment
- requests to purchase, maintain or upgrade facilities or equipment
- requests for salary subsidies
- projects, activities or travel outside Victoria
- funding for people or organisations from interstate or overseas to visit Victoria
- party political activities
- gambling or alcohol related expenses
- non-project related administration costs.
If you’re not sure if your proposed event is eligible for funding, email the Office for Youth:
Funding agreements
If successful, you must enter into a Victorian Common Funding Agreement (VCFA) with the department within 2 weeks of receipt of the documentation. If you do not accept the funding offer during this period, the department may withdraw it.
The VCFA outlines:
- the grant’s terms and conditions, including use of funds
- key deliverables and due dates
- reporting requirements.
Program requirements
Organisations applying for a $2,000 grant need to outline other contributions for the proposed project, such as financial and in-kind support.
The following conditions will apply to all projects that receive a grant:
- Any variation to the approved project must be submitted to the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing for approval, before starting the project.
- All projects must:
- be accessible to young people aged 12 to 25, in their local community
- take place in Victoria during Victorian Youth Fest in September 2025
- be alcohol, smoke and drug-free, and be fully supervised
- provide safe and secure environments for young people
- be covered by all appropriate insurance, including public liability insurance.
- All publicity, promotional material and signage relating to the project must prominently display the Victorian Youth Fest and Victorian Government logos.
- All promotional material and publicity generated by the funded organisation relating to the project must include the following acknowledgement:
- ‘This event is supported by the Victorian Government’.
- Grant recipients must submit event details to the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing by July 2025.
- Grant recipients must complete a Victorian Youth Fest 2025 report that includes media related to their project, event or activity, such as:
- photographs
- films
- mixed media artwork.
- All staff and people aged 18 and over, who come into regular, direct and unsupervised contact with young people and are involved in program delivery (for applicable projects), will need to hold current Working With Children Checks.
- Grant recipients must have appropriate policies and processes in place that follow the Victorian Child Safe Standards. This includes changes that came into effect from 1 July 2022. For more information, see New Child Safe Standards start in Victoria on 1 July 2022 to better protect children.
Payment of grant funds and reporting requirements
Funded organisations will:
- be paid in advance of agreed project milestones and deliverables outlined in the Funding Agreement
- submit a final report including a project acquittal and evidence of project outcomes at the end of the activities.
Funds must go to the project as described in the VCFA. Any unspent funds must go back to the department.
Goods and services tax (GST)
- GST is paid if the grant is funding a good or service, and if the recipient organisation is registered for GST.
- GST is not paid if the recipient organisation is not registered for GST.
- GST is not paid if the recipient organisation is a government entity (e.g., school, local council).
GST is not paid if the grant is not funding a good and/or service.